19:1 耶和華曉諭摩西、亞倫說:
19:2 “耶和華命定律法中的一條律例乃是這樣說:你要吩咐以色列人,把一隻沒有殘疾、未曾負軛、純紅的母牛牽到你這裡來,
19:3 交給祭司以利亞撒,他必牽到營外,人就把牛宰在他面前。
19:4 祭司以利亞撒要用指頭蘸這牛的血,向會幕前面彈七次。
19:5 人要在他眼前把這母牛焚燒,牛的皮、肉、血、糞都要焚燒。
19:6 祭司要把香柏木、牛膝草、朱紅色線都丟在燒牛的火中。
19:7 祭司必不潔淨到晚上,要洗衣服,用水洗身,然後可以進營;
19:8 燒牛的人必不潔淨到晚上,也要洗衣服,用水洗身。
19:9 必有一個潔淨的人,收起母牛的灰,存在營外潔淨的地方,為以色列會眾調做除污穢的水。這本是除罪的。
19:10 收起母牛灰的人,必不潔淨到晚上,要洗衣服。這要給以色列人和寄居在他們中間的外人,作為永遠的定例。
19:1 耶和華對摩西和亞倫說:
19:2 “耶和華所定的律法是這樣說:你要吩咐以色列人,把一頭完全、沒有殘疾、未曾負過軛的紅母牛,牽到你這裡來。
19:3 你們要把牛交給以利亞撒祭司,他就要把牛牽到營外,在他面前把牛宰了。
19:4 以利亞撒祭司要用指頭蘸牛血,向會幕前面灑七次。
19:5 然後,在他面前把牛焚燒,牛的皮、肉、血和糞,都要焚燒。
19:6 祭司要把香柏木、牛膝草、朱紅色線,都丟在燒牛的火中。
19:7 祭司要洗自己的衣服,並用水洗身,然後才可以進營;但祭司必不潔淨到晚上。
19:8 那燒牛的人也要用水洗自己的衣服,並用水洗身,也必不潔淨到晚上。
19:9 要由一個潔淨的人收起母牛的灰,安放在營外潔淨的地方,為以色列會眾留作除污穢的水,這是除罪的。
19:10 那收起牛灰的人,要洗自己的衣服,必不潔淨到晚上。這要給以色列人和寄居在他們中間的外人,作永遠的定例。
19:1 永恆主告訴摩西亞倫說:
19:2 「永恆主所吩咐禮節律的條例是這樣說:你要告訴以色列人把一隻完全沒有殘疾,身上沒有毛病,未曾負軛的赤色母牛,牽到你這裏來。
19:3 要把牛交給祭司以利亞撒,人就要把牛牽出營外,在他面前去宰。
19:4 祭司以利亞撒要用指頭取點兒血,將血向會棚前面彈七次。
19:5 人要在他眼前燒這母牛,牛的皮和肉,和血,連糞,都要燒。
19:6 祭司要把香柏木,唇形薄荷蘸在這水中,朱紅色線,丟在燒牛的火中。
19:7 祭司要把衣服洗淨,在水中洗身,然後進營;但那祭司還是不潔淨到晚上。
19:8 那燒牛的人也要用水把衣服洗淨,在水中洗身,但他還是不潔淨到晚上。
19:9 要有一個潔淨的人把母牛的屍灰收拾起來,安放在營外潔淨的地方,給以色列人會眾保留著,調作除污穢的水;這是除罪染的。
19:10 那收拾母牛屍灰的把衣服洗淨,但他還是不潔淨到晚上。這要給以色列人和寄居在他們中間的外僑,做永遠的條例。
【MSG】The Red Cow
1-4 God spoke to Moses and Aaron: "This is the rule from the Revelation that God commands: Tell the People of Israel to get a red cow, a healthy specimen, ritually clean, that has never been in harness. Present it to Eleazar the priest, then take it outside the camp and butcher it while he looks on. Eleazar will take some of the blood on his finger and splash it seven times in the direction of the Tent of Meeting.
5-8 "Then under Eleazar's supervision burn the cow, the whole thing—hide, meat, blood, even its dung. The priest then will take a stick of cedar, some sprigs of hyssop, and a piece of scarlet material and throw them on the burning cow. Afterwards the priest must wash his clothes and bathe well with water. He can then come into the camp but he remains ritually unclean until evening. The man who burns the cow must also wash his clothes and bathe with water. He also is unclean until evening.
9 "Then a man who is ritually clean will gather the ashes of the cow and place them in a ritually clean place outside the camp. The congregation of Israel will keep them to use in the Water-of-Cleansing, an Absolution-Offering (除罪祭、解罪祭).
10 "The man who gathered up the ashes must scrub his clothes; he is ritually unclean until evening. This is to be a standing rule for both native-born Israelites and foreigners living among them.