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23:27 巴勒對巴蘭說、來罷、我領你往別處去、或者 神喜歡你在那裡為我咒詛他們。
23:28 巴勒就領巴蘭到那下望曠野的毗珥山頂上。
23:29 巴蘭對巴勒說、你在這裡為我築七座壇、又在這裡為我預備七隻公牛、七隻公羊。
23:30 巴勒就照巴蘭的話行、在每座壇上獻一隻公牛、一隻公羊。
24:1 巴蘭見耶和華喜歡賜福與以色列、就不像前兩次去求法術、卻面向曠野。
24:2 巴蘭舉目、看見以色列人照著支派居住、 神的靈就臨到他身上。
24:3 他便題起詩歌說、比珥的兒子巴蘭說、眼目閉住〔閉住或作睜開〕的人說、
24:4 得聽 神的言語、得見全能者的異象、眼目睜開而仆倒的人說、
24:5 雅各阿、你的帳棚何等華美。以色列阿、你的帳幕何其華麗.
24:6 如接連的山谷、如河旁的園子、如耶和華所栽的沉香樹、如水邊的香柏木。
24:7 水要從他的桶裡流出、種子要撒在多水之處.他的王必超過亞甲、他的國必要振興。
24:8 神領他出埃及、他似乎有野牛之力.他要吞喫敵國、折斷他們的骨頭、用箭射透他們。
24:9 他蹲如公獅、臥如母獅、誰敢惹他.凡給你祝福的、願他蒙福.凡咒詛你的、願他受咒詛。
23:27 巴勒對巴蘭說:“你來,我領你到另一個地方去,或者 神喜歡你,你就可以在那裡為我咒詛他們。”
23:28 於是,巴勒領巴蘭到了俯視曠野的毗珥山頂去。
23:29 巴蘭對巴勒說:“你要在這裡給我築七座祭壇,也要為我預備七頭公牛和七隻公綿羊。”
23:30 巴勒就照著巴蘭所說的行了,在每座祭壇上,獻上一頭公牛和一隻公綿羊。
24:1 巴蘭見耶和華喜歡賜福以色列,就不再像前兩次一樣去求觀兆的方法,卻面向曠野。
24:2 巴蘭舉目,看見以色列人按著支派居住, 神的靈就臨到他身上。
24:3 他就作歌,說:“比珥的兒子巴蘭說:‘有眼光的人說,
24:4 得聽 神的話語、得見全能者的異象、身體仆倒而眼目睜開的人說:
24:5 雅各啊,你的會幕多麼佳美;以色列啊,你的帳幕多麼美好!
24:6 像擴展的棕林,如河邊的園子,似耶和華栽種的沉香樹,又像水旁的香柏樹。
24:7 必有水從他的桶中流出來,他的後裔必在多水之處;他的王必超過亞甲,他的國度必被高舉。
24:8 領他出埃及的 神,對他好像野牛的角;他要吞吃敵國,打碎他們的骨頭,用箭射透他們。
24:9 他蹲伏躺下,好像公獅,又像母獅,誰敢使他起立呢?給你祝福的,願他蒙福;咒詛你的,願他受咒詛。’”
23:27 巴勒對巴蘭說:「來吧,我領你到別處去,或者上帝喜歡你從那裏爲我咒詛他們。」
23:28 巴勒就領巴蘭到毗珥山頂上,那裏能夠眺望耶示門荒野。
23:29 巴蘭對巴勒說:「你在這裏給我築七座祭壇,在這裏給我預備七隻公牛,七隻公綿羊。」
23:30 巴勒照巴蘭所說的去行,在每座祭壇獻上一隻公牛,一隻公綿羊。
24:1 巴蘭見永恒主喜歡賜福與以色列,就不像前兩次去找觀兆頭的方法,卻定意面向著曠野。
24:2 巴蘭舉目,看見以色列人一族派一族派地住著營,上帝的靈就感動他;
24:3 他便發表言論歌來,說:「比珥的兒子巴蘭發神諭說:眼目睜開著(或譯:閉著)的人發神諭說:
24:4 得聽上帝說的話,得見全能者的異象,身體仆倒而眼目開著的人發神諭說:
24:5 雅各阿,你的帳棚何等的佳美;以色列阿,你的帳幕何其華麗!
24:6 綿延像溪穀,像河旁的園子,像永恒主所栽的沈香樹,像水邊的香柏木。
24:7 必有水從他的桶裏流出,他的膀臂必管理多族之民(或譯:他的後裔[種子)必在多水之處);他的王必高過亞甲(或譯:歌革),他的王權必被捧起來。
24:8 領他出埃及的上帝有像野牛高舉的角;他要吞吃做他敵人的列國,折斷他們的骨頭,擊碎他們的腰。
24:9 他屈身躺著像公獅,像母獅;誰敢惹他呢?凡給你祝福的,願他蒙祝福,凡咒詛你的,願他受咒詛。」
27-28 Balak said to Balaam, "Please, let me take you to another place; maybe we can find the right place in God's eyes where you'll be able to curse them for me." So Balak took Balaam to the top of Peor, with a vista over the Jeshimon (Wasteland).
29 Balaam said to Balak, "Build seven altars for me here and prepare seven bulls and seven rams for sacrifice."
30 Balak did it and presented an offering of a bull and a ram on each of the altars.
Numbers 24
1-3 By now Balaam realized that God wanted to bless Israel. So he didn't work in any sorcery as he had done earlier. He turned and looked out over the wilderness. As Balaam looked, he saw Israel camped tribe by tribe. The Spirit of God came on him, and he spoke his oracle-message:
3-9 Decree of Balaam son of Beor,
yes, decree of a man with 20/20 vision (絕佳的視力);
Decree of a man who hears God speak,
who sees what The Strong God shows him,
Who falls on his face in worship,
who sees what's really going on.
What beautiful tents, Jacob,
oh, your homes, Israel!
Like valleys stretching out in the distance,
like gardens planted by rivers,
Like sweet herbs planted by the gardener God,
like red cedars by pools and springs,
Their buckets will brim with water,
their seed will spread life everywhere.
Their king will tower over Agag and his ilk,
their kingdom surpassingly majestic.
God brought them out of Egypt,
rampaging like a wild ox,
Gulping enemies like morsels of meat,
crushing their bones, snapping their arrows.
Israel crouches like a lion and naps,
king-of-the-beasts—who dares disturb him?
Whoever blesses you is blessed,
whoever curses you is cursed.
3-9 Decree of Balaam son of Beor,
yes, decree of a man with 20/20 vision (絕佳的視力);
Decree of a man who hears God speak,
who sees what The Strong God shows him,
Who falls on his face in worship,
who sees what's really going on.
What beautiful tents, Jacob,
oh, your homes, Israel!
Like valleys stretching out in the distance,
like gardens planted by rivers,
Like sweet herbs planted by the gardener God,
like red cedars by pools and springs,
Their buckets will brim with water,
their seed will spread life everywhere.
Their king will tower over Agag and his ilk,
their kingdom surpassingly majestic.
God brought them out of Egypt,
rampaging like a wild ox,
Gulping enemies like morsels of meat,
crushing their bones, snapping their arrows.
Israel crouches like a lion and naps,
king-of-the-beasts—who dares disturb him?
Whoever blesses you is blessed,
whoever curses you is cursed.