





27:12 耶和華對摩西說、你上這亞巴琳山、觀看我所賜給以色列人的地。
27:13 看了以後、你也必歸到你列祖〔原文作本民〕那裡、像你哥哥亞倫一樣.
27:14 因為你們在尋的曠野、當會眾爭鬧的時候、違背了我的命、沒有在湧水之地會眾眼前尊我為聖。(這水、就是尋的曠野加低斯米利巴水。)
27:15 摩西對耶和華說、
27:16 願耶和華萬人之靈的 神、立一個人治理會眾。
27:17 可以在他們面前出入、也可以引導他們、免得耶和華的會眾如同沒有牧人的羊群一般。
27:18 耶和華對摩西說、嫩的兒子約書亞、是心中有聖靈的、你將他領來按手在他頭上.
27:19 使他站在祭司以利亞撒、和全會眾面前、囑咐他。
27:20 又將你的尊榮給他幾分、使以色列全會眾都聽從他。
27:21 他要站在祭司以利亞撒面前、以利亞撒要憑烏陵的判斷、在耶和華面前為他求問.他和以色列全會眾都要遵以利亞撒的命出入。
27:22 於是摩西照耶和華所吩咐的、將約書亞領來、使他站在祭司以利亞撒和全會眾面前、
27:23 按手在他頭上、囑咐他、是照耶和華藉摩西所說的話。

27:12 耶和華吩咐摩西說:你要上這亞巴琳山去,看看我賜給以色列人的地。
27:13 看了以後,你也必歸到你的本族那裡去,像你哥哥亞倫歸去一樣。
27:14 因為在尋的曠野,會眾爭鬧的時候,你們違背了我的命令,沒有在湧水之地,在會眾眼前尊我為聖。
27:15 摩西對耶和華說:
27:16 願耶和華萬人之靈的 神,立一個人治理會眾,
27:17 可以在他們面前出入;帶領他們出入,免得耶和華的會眾好像沒有牧人的羊一樣。
27:18 耶和華對摩西說:你要揀選嫩的兒子約書亞,他心裡有聖靈,你要按手在他頭上,
27:19 叫他站在以利亞撒祭司和全體會眾面前,當他們的面委派他。
27:20 你要把你的尊榮給他幾分,好叫以色列全體會眾都聽從他。
27:21 他要站在以利亞撒祭司面前,以利亞撒要藉著烏陵的判斷,在耶和華面前為他求問;他和以色列眾人,就是全體會眾,都要按著以利亞撒的命令出入。
27:22 於是,摩西照著耶和華吩咐他的去行;他把約書亞領來,叫他站在以利亞撒祭司和全體會眾面前,
27:23 按手在他頭上,委派他,是照著耶和華藉摩西吩咐的。

27:12 永恒主對摩西說:「你要上這亞巴琳山,看我所賜給以色列人的地。
27:13 看了以後,你也必被收殮你先族人,像你哥哥亞倫被收殮一樣。
27:14 因爲在尋的曠野,當會衆吵鬧的時候,你們違背了我所吩咐的,沒有在湧水之地會衆眼前尊我爲聖。」[這些水是尋的曠野,加低斯米利巴(米利巴:即『吵鬧』的意思)的水。]
27:15 摩西求告永恒主說:
27:16 「願永恒主萬人之靈的上帝立一個人來治理會衆,
27:17 可以在他們前面出去,在他們前面進來,領他們出,領他們入的,免得永恒主的會衆如同羊群沒有牧人一般。」
27:18 永恒主對摩西說:「你要選取嫩的兒子約書亞,一個心裏有聖靈的人,按手在他頭上,
27:19 使他站在祭司以利亞撒和全會衆面前,就在他們眼前委任他。
27:20 你要將你的尊榮給他幾分,好使以色列人全會衆都聽從他。
27:21 他要侍立在祭司以利亞撒面前,以利亞撒要憑烏陵的判斷在永恒主面前爲他求問,他和跟著的以色列衆人,全會衆,都要照以利亞撒所吩咐的而出,照以利亞撒所吩咐的而入。」
27:22 於是摩西照永恒主所命令的而行;將約書亞領來,使他站在祭司以利亞撒和全會衆面前,
27:23 按手在他頭上,委任他,照永恒主由摩西經手所說的。

12-14 God said to Moses, "Climb up into the Abarim Mountains and look over at the land that I am giving to the People of Israel. When you've had a good look you'll be joined to your ancestors in the grave—yes, you also along with Aaron your brother. This goes back to the day when the congregation quarreled in the Wilderness of Zin and you didn't honor me in holy reverence before them in the matter of the waters, the Waters of Meribah (Quarreling) at Kadesh in the Wilderness of Zin."
 15-17 Moses responded to God: "Let God, the God of the spirits of everyone living, set a man over this community to lead them, to show the way ahead and bring them back home so God's community will not be like sheep without a shepherd."
 18-21 God said to Moses, "Take Joshua the son of Nun—the Spirit is in him!— and place your hand on him. Stand him before Eleazar the priest in front of the entire congregation and commission him with everyone watching. Pass your magisterial authority over to him so that the whole congregation of the People of Israel will listen obediently to him. He is to consult with Eleazar the priest who, using the oracle-Urim, will prayerfully advise him in the presence of God. He will command the People of Israel, the entire community, in all their comings and goings."
 22-23 Moses followed God's orders. He took Joshua and stood him before Eleazar the priest in front of the entire community. He laid his hands on him and commissioned him, following the procedures God had given Moses.

