





7:11   人獻與耶和華平安祭的條例、乃是這樣、
7:12   他若為感謝獻上、就要用調油的無酵餅、和抹油的無酵薄餅、並用油調勻細麵作的餅、與感謝祭一同獻上。
7:13   要用有酵的餅、和為感謝獻的平安祭、與供物一同獻上。
7:14   從各樣的供物中、他要把一個餅獻給耶和華為舉祭、是要歸給灑平安祭牲血的祭司。
7:15   為感謝獻平安祭牲的肉、要在獻的日子喫、一點不可留到早晨。
7:16   若所獻的、是為還願、或是甘心獻的、必在獻祭的日子喫、所剩下的第二天也可以喫。
7:17   但所剩下的祭肉、到第三天要用火焚燒.
7:18   第三天若喫了平安祭的肉、這祭必不蒙悅納、人所獻的也不算為祭、反為可憎嫌的、喫這祭肉的、就必擔當他的罪孽。
7:19   挨了污穢物的肉、就不可喫、要用火焚燒.至於平安祭的肉、凡潔淨的人都要喫.
7:20   只是獻與耶和華平安祭的肉、人若不潔淨而喫了、這人必從民中剪除。
7:21   有人摸了甚麼不潔淨的物、或是人的不潔淨、或是不潔淨的牲畜、或是不潔可憎之物、喫了獻與耶和華平安祭的肉、這人必從民中剪除。

7:11   獻給耶和華的平安祭的律例是這樣:
7:12   人若是為感恩獻祭,就要用調油的無酵餅和抹了油的無酵薄餅,以及用油調和了細麵做的餅,與感恩祭一同獻上。
7:13   他要把他的供物,連同有酵的餅,跟那為感恩而獻的平安祭,一起獻上。
7:14   他要從各物中,取出一個餅作為舉祭,獻給耶和華,歸給那潑平安祭牲之血的祭司。
7:15   為感恩而獻的平安祭的肉,只能在獻祭那日吃,一點也不可留到早晨。
7:16   他獻的供物若是還願祭,或是甘心祭,獻祭那日可以吃;剩下的,第二天也可以吃。
7:17   還剩下的祭肉,到了第三天,就要用火燒掉。
7:18   如果在第三天吃平安祭的肉,必不蒙悅納,他獻上的也不再算為祭,因為祭肉已經成為不潔;吃這肉的人,必擔當自己的罪責。
7:19   祭肉若是接觸了任何不潔,就不可以吃,要用火燒掉。潔淨的人才可以吃祭肉;
7:20   身上不潔淨的人吃了獻與耶和華的平安祭的祭肉,那人必從自己的族人中被剪除。
7:21   人若是摸了任何不潔,或是人的污穢,或是牲畜的污穢,或是任何不潔淨的可憎之物,然後吃獻給耶和華的平安祭的肉,那人必從自己的族人中被剪除。

7:11   「獻與永恆主平安祭的法規是這樣:
7:12   若是為了感謝而供獻,他就要用油調和的無酵哈拉餅,和抹上油的無酵薄餅,以及調勻了的細面用油調和的哈拉餅,連感謝的祭一同獻上。
7:13   他要將他的供連有酵的哈拉餅帶那為了感謝而獻的平安祭,都獻上。
7:14   他要從各樣供物中取一個餅獻與永恆主做提獻物,給那潑平安祭牲之血的祭司;那要屬於他。
7:15   「那為感謝而獻之平安祭牲的肉,要在供獻的日子吃,不可留下到早晨。
7:16   他供獻的祭若是個還願祭,或是自願獻的祭,也要在獻祭的日子吃,不過所餘留的部分第二天也可以吃。
7:17   所餘留的祭肉,第三天就要用火燒。
7:18   第三天他的平安祭肉如果真地給人吃了,這祭就不蒙悅納,也不算為供獻的人獻的:那就會成了『不新鮮』的;吃這祭肉的就必須擔當他的罪罰。
7:19   「肉觸著任何『不潔淨』的,都吃不得;要用火燒。至於潔淨的肉呢,凡潔淨的都可以吃;
7:20   惟獨獻與永恆主的平安祭的肉,人若吃它,而身上卻有不潔淨,那人就必須從他族人中被剪除。
7:21   人若觸著什麼不潔淨,無論是人的不潔淨,或是不潔淨的牲口,或是任何不潔淨的昆蟲(或譯:可憎物),而去吃屬永恆主的平安祭的肉,那人就必須從他的族人中被剪除。」
11-15 "These are the instructions for the Peace-Offering which is presented to God. If you bring it to offer thanksgiving(感恩祭), then along with the Thanksgiving-Offering present unraised loaves of bread mixed with oil, unraised wafers spread with oil, and cakes of fine flour, well-kneaded and mixed with oil. Along with the Peace-Offering of thanksgiving, present loaves of yeast bread as an offering. Bring one of each kind as an offering, a Contribution-Offering(舉祭) to God; it goes to the priest who throws the blood of the Peace-Offering. Eat the meat from the Peace-Offering of thanksgiving the same day it is offered. Don't leave any of it overnight.
 16-21 "If the offering is a Votive-Offering(還願祭) or a Freewill-Offering(甘心祭), it may be eaten the same day it is sacrificed and whatever is left over on the next day may also be eaten. But any meat from the sacrifice that is left to the third day must be burned up. If any of the meat from the Peace-Offering is eaten on the third day, the person who has brought it will not be accepted. It won't benefit him a bit—it has become defiled meat. And whoever eats it must take responsibility for his iniquity. Don't eat meat that has touched anything ritually unclean; burn it up. Any other meat can be eaten by those who are ritually clean. But if you're not ritually clean and eat meat from the Peace-Offering for God, you will be excluded from the congregation. And if you touch anything ritually unclean, whether human or animal uncleanness or an obscene object, and go ahead and eat from a Peace-Offering for God, you'll be excluded from the congregation."

