





8:14   他牽了贖罪祭的公牛來、亞倫和他兒子、按手在贖罪祭公牛的頭上、
8:15   就宰了公牛.摩西用指頭蘸血、抹在壇上四角的周圍、使壇潔淨、把血倒在壇的腳那裡、使壇成聖、壇就潔淨了。
8:16   又取臟上所有的脂油、和肝上的網子、並兩個腰子、與腰子上的脂油、都燒在壇上。
8:17   惟有公牛、連皮帶肉、並糞、用火燒在營外.都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
8:18   他奉上燔祭的公綿羊.亞倫和他兒子、按手在羊的頭上、
8:19   就宰了公羊.摩西把血灑在壇的周圍.
8:20   把羊切成塊子、把頭、和肉塊、並脂油、都燒了。
8:21   用水洗了臟腑、和腿、就把全羊燒在壇上、為馨香的燔祭、是獻給耶和華的火祭.都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
8:22   他又奉上第二隻公綿羊、就是承接聖職之禮的羊、亞倫和他兒子、按手在羊的頭上、
8:23   就宰了羊.摩西把些血抹在亞倫的右耳垂上、和右手的大拇指上、並右腳的大拇指上.
8:24   又帶了亞倫的兒子來、把些血抹在他們的右耳垂上、和右手的大拇指上、並右腳的大拇指上.又把血灑在壇的周圍。
8:25   取脂油、和肥尾巴、並臟上一切的脂油、與肝上的網子、兩個腰子、和腰子上的脂油、並右腿.
8:26   再從耶和華面前盛無酵餅的筐子裡、取出一個無酵餅、一個油餅、一個薄餅、都放在脂油和右腿上。
8:27   把這一切放在亞倫的手上、和他兒子的手上、作搖祭、在耶和華面前搖一搖。
8:28   摩西從他們的手上拿下來、燒在壇上的燔祭上.都是為承接聖職獻給耶和華馨香的火祭。
8:29   摩西拿羊的胸作為搖祭、在耶和華面前搖一搖、是承接聖職之禮、歸摩西的分.都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。
8:30   摩西取點膏油、和壇上的血、彈在亞倫和他的衣服上、並他兒子和他兒子的衣服上、使他和他們的衣服、一同成聖。

8:14   他把贖罪祭的公牛牽來;亞倫和他的兒子按手在贖罪祭的公牛的頭上。
8:15   摩西就宰殺公牛,取了血,用指頭抹祭壇四角的周圍,潔淨祭壇,其餘的血倒在祭壇腳那裡,使祭壇成聖,為壇贖罪。
8:16   摩西取出內臟上所有的脂肪、腎旁的肝葉、兩個腎和腎上的脂肪,焚燒在祭壇上。
8:17   至於那公牛,牠的皮、肉和糞,都要在營外用火燒掉,都是照著耶和華吩咐摩西的。
8:18   摩西把燔祭的公綿羊牽來,亞倫和他的兒子按手在公綿羊的頭上。
8:19   摩西就宰殺公綿羊,把血潑在祭壇的四周。
8:20   摩西把公綿羊切成塊子以後,就把頭、肉塊和脂肪都焚燒了。
8:21   又用水洗淨了內臟和腿之後,摩西就把整個公綿羊焚燒在祭壇上;這是燔祭,是獻給耶和華馨香的火祭,都是耶和華吩咐摩西的。
8:22   他又把第二隻公綿羊牽來,就是承受聖職所獻的公綿羊;亞倫和他的兒子按手在公綿羊的頭上;
8:23   摩西宰殺了羊,取了一些羊血,抹在亞倫的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,以及右腳的大拇趾上。
8:24   又把亞倫的兒子帶來,摩西也把血抹在他們的右耳垂上和右手的大拇指上,以及右腳的大拇趾上;其餘的血則潑在祭壇的四周。
8:25   然後他取出脂肪、肥尾巴、內臟上所有的脂肪、腎旁的肝葉、兩個腎、腎上的脂肪和右後腿;
8:26   又從在耶和華面前的無酵餅籃子裡,取出一個無酵餅、一個油餅和一個薄餅,都放在脂肪和右後腿上;
8:27   他把這一切都放在亞倫手上和他兒子手上,在耶和華面前搖一搖作為搖祭。
8:28   然後,摩西從他們的手上接過來,焚燒在祭壇的燔祭上;這些是承受聖職祭,是獻給耶和華馨香的火祭。
8:29   摩西取了祭牲的胸,在耶和華面前把它搖一搖作搖祭;這是承受聖職祭的公綿羊中,歸給摩西的分,都是照著耶和華吩咐摩西的。
8:30   摩西拿了一些膏油和祭壇上的血,彈在亞倫和他的衣服上,以及他兒子和他們的衣服上;這樣就使亞倫和他的衣服,他的兒子和他們的衣服都分別為聖。

8:14   摩西把解罪祭的公牛牽來;亞倫和他的兒子們按手在解罪祭公牛頭上,
8:15   就宰了公牛;取點兒血,用指頭抹在祭壇四角上的周圍,給祭壇除罪汙,把血倒在祭壇腳那裏,將壇分別為聖,給祭壇除罪染。
8:16   摩西又把臟腑上的一切脂肪,和肝上的附屬物,兩個腰子,和腰子的脂肪,都熏在祭壇上。
8:17   至於公牛,其皮,肉,和糞,他都在營外用火去燒:照永恆主所吩咐摩西的。
8:18   他將燔祭的公綿羊牽來(同詞:供獻);亞倫和他的兒子們按手在那公綿羊頭上;
8:19   摩西就宰了它;把血潑在祭壇的四圍。
8:20   既把公綿羊切成了塊子,摩西就把頭和切塊跟板油都熏了。
8:21   用水洗了臟腑和腿之後,摩西就將整個公綿羊熏在祭壇上:這是燔祭,怡神之香氣,是火祭獻與永恆主的:都照永恆主所吩咐摩西的。
8:22   他又把第二隻公綿羊,就是承受聖職所獻的公綿羊,牽來(同詞:供獻):亞倫和他兒子們按手在那公綿羊頭上;
8:23   摩西就宰了它;取點兒血,抹在亞倫的右耳垂上,和右手的大拇指上,跟右腳的大拇趾上。
8:24   既把亞倫的兒子們引進來(同詞:供獻),摩西就將點兒血抹在他們的右耳垂上,和右手的大拇指上,跟右腳的大拇趾上;摩西又把血潑在祭壇的四圍。
8:25   他取脂肪和肥尾巴跟臟腑的一切脂肪,和肝的附屬物,跟兩個腰子和腰子的脂肪,以及右腿:
8:26   又從永恆主面前裝無酵餅的筐子裏取一個無酵哈拉餅,一個調油的哈拉餅,和一個薄餅,放在脂肪和右腿上;
8:27   把這一切都交在亞倫的手掌中,和他兒子們的手掌中,做搖獻物搖在永恆主面前。
8:28   然後摩西就從他們的手掌中接過來,把這些物品熏在祭壇上燔祭品上面;這些是承受聖職獻為怡神之香氣的;這是獻與永恆主的火祭。
8:29   摩西取羊的胸做搖獻物搖在永恆主面前:這是承受聖職所獻的公綿羊屬於摩西的分兒:照永恆主所吩咐摩西的。
8:30   摩西取點兒抹的膏油和祭壇上的一點兒血,彈在亞倫和他的衣服上,跟他的兒子們和他兒子們的衣服上;把亞倫和他的衣服分別為聖,也把他的兒子們和他兒子們的衣服,都分別為聖。

 14-17 Moses brought out the bull for the Absolution-Offering. Aaron and his sons placed their hands on its head. Moses slaughtered the bull and purified the Altar by smearing the blood on each of the horns of the Altar with his finger. He poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the Altar. He consecrated it so atonement could be made on it. Moses took all the fat on the entrails and the lobe of liver and the two kidneys with their fat and burned it all on the Altar. The bull with its hide and meat and guts he burned outside the camp, just as God had commanded Moses.
 18-21 Moses presented the ram for the Whole-Burnt-Offering. Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram. Moses slaughtered it and splashed the blood against all sides of the Altar. He cut the ram up into pieces and then burned the head, the pieces, and the fat. He washed the entrails and the legs with water and then burned the whole ram on the Altar. It was a Whole-Burnt-Offering, a pleasing fragrance—a gift to God, just as God had commanded Moses.
 22-29 Moses then presented the second ram, the ram for the Ordination-Offering. Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the ram's head. Moses slaughtered it and smeared some of its blood on the lobe of Aaron's right ear, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. Then Aaron's sons were brought forward and Moses smeared some of the blood on the lobes of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Moses threw the remaining blood against each side of the Altar. He took the fat, the fat tail, all the fat that was on the entrails, the lobe of the liver, the two kidneys with their fat, and the right thigh. From the basket of unraised bread that was in the presence of God he took one loaf of the unraised bread made with oil and one wafer. He placed these on the fat portions and the right thigh. He put all this in the hands of Aaron and his sons who waved them before God as a Wave-Offering. Then Moses took it all back from their hands and burned them on the Altar on top of the Whole-Burnt-Offering. These were the Ordination-Offerings, a pleasing fragrance to God, a gift to God. Then Moses took the breast and raised it up as a Wave-Offering before God; it was Moses' portion from the Ordination-Offering ram, just as God had commanded Moses.
 30 Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood from the Altar and sprinkled Aaron and his garments, and his sons and their garments, consecrating Aaron and his garments and his sons and their garments.

