32:15 但耶書崙漸漸肥胖、粗壯、光潤、踢跳奔跑.便離棄造他的 神、輕看救他的磐石。
32:16 敬拜別神、觸動 神的憤恨、行可憎惡的事惹了他的怒氣。
32:17 所祭祀的鬼魔、並非真神、乃是素不認識的神、是近來新興的、是你列祖所不畏懼的。
32:18 你輕忽生你的磐石、忘記產你的 神。
32:19 耶和華看見他的兒女惹動他、就厭惡他們。
32:20 說、我要向他們掩面、看他們的結局如何.他們本是極乖僻的族類、心中無誠實的兒女。
32:21 他們以那不算為神的、觸動我的憤恨、以虛無的神、惹了我的怒氣、我也要以那不成子民的、觸動他們的憤恨、以愚昧的國民、惹了他們的怒氣。
32:22 因為在我怒中有火燒起、直燒到極深的陰間、把地和地的出產、盡都焚燒、山的根基也燒了。
32:23 我要將禍患堆在他們身上、把我的箭向他們射盡。
32:24 他們必因飢餓消瘦、被炎熱苦毒吞滅.我要打發野獸用牙齒咬他們、並土中腹行的、用毒氣害他們。
32:25 外頭有刀劍、內室有驚恐、使人喪亡、使少男、童女、喫奶的、白髮的、盡都滅絕。
32:26 我說、我必將他們分散遠方、使他們的名號從人間除滅、
32:27 惟恐仇敵惹動我、只怕敵人錯看、說、是我們手的能力、並非耶和華所行的。
32:28 因為以色列民毫無計謀、心中沒有聰明。
32:29 惟願他們有智慧、能明白這事、肯思念他們的結局。
32:30 若不是他們的磐石賣了他們、若不是耶和華交出他們、一人焉能追趕他們千人、二人焉能使萬人逃跑呢。
32:31 據我們的仇敵自己斷定、他們的磐石不如我們的磐石。
32:32 他們的葡萄樹是所多瑪的葡萄樹、蛾摩拉田園所生的、他們的葡萄是毒葡萄、全掛都是苦的。
32:33 他們的酒是大蛇的毒氣、是虺蛇殘害的惡毒。
32:34 這不都是積蓄在我這裡、封鎖在我府庫中麼。
32:35 他們失腳的時候、伸冤報應在我.因他們遭災的日子近了、那要臨在他們身上的、必速速來到。
32:36 耶和華見他百姓毫無能力、無論困住的、自由的、都沒有剩下、就必為他們伸冤、為他的僕人後悔。
32:37 他必說、他們的神、他們所投靠的磐石、
32:38 就是向來喫他們祭牲的脂油、喝他們奠祭之酒的、在哪裡呢.他可以興起幫助你們、護衛你們。
32:39 你們如今要知道、我、惟有我是 神、在我以外並無別神.我使人死、我使人活、我損傷、我也醫治、並無人能從我手中救出來。
32:40 我向天舉手說、我憑我的永生起誓.
32:41 我若磨我閃亮的刀、手掌審判之權、就必報復我的敵人、報應恨我的人。
32:42 我要使我的箭飲血飲醉、就是被殺被擄之人的血.我的刀要喫肉、乃是仇敵中首領之頭的肉。
32:43 你們外邦人、當與主的百姓一同歡呼、因他要伸他僕人流血的冤、報應他的敵人、潔淨他的地、救贖他的百姓。
32:44 摩西和嫩的兒子約書亞、去將這歌的一切話、說給百姓聽。
32:45 摩西向以色列眾人說完了這一切的話.
32:46 又說、我今日所警教你們的、你們都要放在心上、要吩咐你們的子孫謹守遵行這律法上的話.
32:47 因為這不是虛空與你們無關的事、乃是你們的生命、在你們過約但河要得為業的地上、必因這事日子得以長久。
32:48 當日耶和華吩咐摩西說、
32:49 你上這亞巴琳山中的尼波山去、在摩押地與耶利哥相對、觀看我所要賜給以色列人為業的迦南地。
32:50 你必死在你所登的山上、歸你列祖〔原文作本民〕去、像你哥哥亞倫、死在何珥山上、歸他的列祖一樣.
32:51 因為你們在尋的曠野、加低斯的米利巴水、在以色列人中沒有尊我為聖、得罪了我。
32:52 我所賜給以色列人的地、你可以遠遠的觀看、卻不得進去。
32:15 但耶書崙肥胖了,就踢跳,‘你肥胖了,你粗壯了,你飽滿了,’他離棄了造他的 神,輕看了救他的磐石。
32:16 他們以外族人的神激動了 神的憤恨,以可憎之事惹起了他的怒氣。
32:17 他們獻祭給鬼魔(他們不是神),就是他們從來不認識的神,是近來新興的,是你們的列祖所不懼怕的。
32:18 你輕忽了生你的磐石,你忘記了產你的 神。
32:19 因為他的兒女激怒了 神,耶和華看見了,就棄絕了他們,
32:20 說:‘我必掩面不顧他們,要看看他們的結局怎樣;因為他們是乖曲的一代,心裡沒有信實的人。
32:21 他們以不是神的神激動了我的憤恨,以虛無之物惹動了我的怒氣;我也以不是子民的人激動他們的憤恨,以愚昧的國民惹動他們的怒氣。
32:22 因為在我的怒中有火燃燒起來,燒到陰間的深處,把大地和地的出產盡都吞滅,連山的根基也燒著了。
32:23 我要把災禍加在他們身上,把我的箭向他們射盡。
32:24 他們必因饑荒消瘦,被熱病和毒症消滅;我也要打發野獸用牙齒咬他們,和土中的蛇類用毒液害他們。
32:25 外有刀劍,內有驚恐,使人喪亡,使少男少女,嬰孩和白髮老人,盡都喪亡。
32:26 我原想:“我要把他們分散到各處,把他們的名號都從人間除滅。”
32:27 但我懼怕仇人激動我,恐怕敵人誤會了,又恐怕他們說:“是我們的手高舉了,並不是耶和華作了這一切事。”’
32:28 因為他們是缺乏計謀的國,他們心中沒有見識。
32:29 如果你們有智慧,就可以明白這事,認清自己將來的結局了。
32:30 如果不是他們的磐石把他們出賣了,如果不是耶和華把他們交出來,一人怎能追趕一千人,二人怎能使萬人逃跑呢?
32:31 連我們的仇敵也自己斷定,他們的磐石不像我們的磐石。
32:32 因為他們的葡萄樹,是所多瑪的葡萄樹所出的,是蛾摩拉的田地所生的;他們的葡萄是毒葡萄,每一掛都是苦的。
32:33 他們的酒是大蛇的毒液,是虺蛇的劇毒。
32:34 這不是貯藏在我這裡,封閉在我的寶庫中嗎?
32:35 等到他們失足的時候,我要伸冤報應;因為他們遭遇災難的日子近了,那預備要臨到他們身上的事,必快快臨到。
32:36 耶和華要為自己的子民伸冤,為自己的僕人難過,因為耶和華看見他們的能力已經消逝,為奴的或自由的都沒有剩下一人。
32:37 他必說:‘他們的神在哪裡呢?他們投靠的磐石在哪裡呢?
32:38 就是向來吃他們祭牲脂肪的,喝他們奠祭之酒的神在哪裡呢?讓他們興起來幫助你們吧,願他們保護你們吧!
32:39 現在你們要知道,只有我是那一位,除我以外,並沒有別的神;我使人死,也使人活;我打傷,我也醫治;沒有人可以從我的手裡搶救出去。
32:40 我向天舉手說:我活到永永遠遠;
32:41 如果我磨亮了我的刀劍,如果我掌握了審判權,就必向我的仇敵伸冤,必向恨我的人報應。
32:42 我要使我的箭飲血飲醉,就是被殺的人和被擄的人的血;我的刀劍要吃肉,就是吃仇敵長髮首領的肉。’
32:43 列國啊,你們當與耶和華的子民一同歡呼,因為他要伸他僕人流血的冤,他要向他的仇人報復,他要救贖他的地和他的子民。”
32:44 摩西和嫩的兒子約書亞前來,把這首詩歌的一切話都說給人民聽。
32:45 摩西向以色列眾人說完了這一切話,
32:46 就對他們說:“我今日警告你們的一切話,你們都要放在心上,好吩咐你們的子孫謹守遵行這律法上的一切話。
32:47 因為這不是空洞、與你們無關重要的事,而是你們的生命;藉著這事,你們在過約旦河去得為業的地上,才可以日子長久。”
32:48 就在那一天,耶和華對摩西說:
32:49 “你要上這亞巴琳山去,就是尼波山,在耶利哥對面的摩押地,觀看我賜給以色列人為業的迦南地。
32:50 你必死在你登上的山上,歸到你的族人那裡去,像你的哥哥亞倫死在何珥山上,歸到他的族人那裡去一樣。
32:51 因為你們在尋的曠野,在加低斯米利巴水邊,在以色列人中間悖逆我,在以色列人中間沒有尊我為聖。
32:52 我賜給以色列人的地,你可以從對面觀看,卻不得進去。”
32:15 「但是你肥胖了,你粗壯了,你肚滿腸肥了!耶書崙肥胖了,就踢跳,背棄了造他的上帝,辱沒救他的磐石。
32:16 他們用外族人的神激了上帝的妒憤,用可厭惡的事惹了他發怒。
32:17 他們獻祭給鬼魔,並不是真神,乃是他們素不認識的神,是近來新興的,是你們列祖所不畏懼的。
32:18 生你的磐石,你不記得,爲你受産痛的上帝,你忘掉了。
32:19 「因他的兒女惹了神怒,永恒主看見,就不理睬。
32:20 說:『我必掩面不顧他們,看他們的結局怎樣,因爲他們是反覆乖張的一代,心裏沒有忠信的兒女。
32:21 他們呢,以那不是神的激了我的妒憤,以虛無的神惹了我發怒;我呢,也必以那不是子民的激了他們的妒忌,以愚昧的外國人惹他們的憤恨。
32:22 因爲我怒氣中有火燒起,直燒到陰間之最低處,把地和地的土産都燒滅掉,連山的根基也燒著了。
32:23 「『我必將災禍加(或譯:掃)在他們身上,把我的箭向他們射盡。
32:24 叫他們被饑荒所嗍幹,被高熱症和苦毒病所吞滅;我必打發野獸的牙齒去咬他們,跟塵土中蛇類的毒素去害他們。
32:25 外頭有刀劍,內室有恐怖,使壯丁和處女,吃奶的同白髮的,盡都喪亡。
32:26 若不是我怕仇敵惹我發怒,我原想著說:『我必將他們割裂成塊,使他們的名號都滅絕於人間』;
32:27 恐怕敵人判斷錯了,恐怕他們說:『是我們的手高舉起來作的,並不是永恒主行了這一切事阿。』
32:28 因爲他們是缺乏智謀的國,他們心中毫無聰明。
32:29 只要他們有智慧,就會明白這事,就肯思想他們自己的結局了。
32:30 若不是他們的磐石把他們交付出來(原文:賣),若不是永恒主把他們送交給我們,我們一人怎能追趕他們千人呢?我們兩個人怎能使他們萬人逃跑呢?
32:31 連我們的仇敵自己也評判:他們的磐石不如我們的磐石。
32:32 因爲他們的葡萄樹是所多瑪的葡萄樹傳的,是蛾摩拉的田園出的;他們的葡萄是毒的葡萄,他們那一挂一挂都是苦的。
32:33 他們的酒是大蛇的毒素,是虺蛇猛烈冷酷的毒。
32:34 這不都是積聚在我這裏,密封在我寶庫中,
32:35 要等待伸冤報應的日子,等待他們的腳顛躓的時候嗎?因爲他們遭遇災難的日子近了,那準備要臨到他們身上的就要迅速地來臨。
32:36 「因爲永恒主見他人民的手力用盡,沒有剩下一人,連受束縛的帶得釋放的都沒剩下,就要爲他人民行裁判,憐恤他的僕人,
32:37 說:『他們的神,他們避難於其中的碞石,在哪里呢?
32:38 那些向來吃他們祭牲的脂肪,喝他們奠祭之酒的神在哪里呢?讓他們興起來幫助你們吧!願他們護衛你們吧!
32:39 「『如今你們要看,我,惟有我乃是上帝,我以外,並沒有別的神;是我使人死,是我使人活;是我擊傷,也是我醫治;並沒有能從我手中搶救出去的。
32:40 我向天舉手:我,我指著永活的我來起誓:
32:41 我若磨快了我閃亮的刀,我的手若掌握著審判權,我就必將伸冤報復我的敵人,我必報應恨我的人。』
32:42 我必讓我的箭醉飲鮮血,就是被刺死者和俘虜的血;我的刀必吃肉,吃仇敵的長毛頭目。」
32:43 列國阿,跟主的人民一同歡呼吧!因爲他要伸他僕人流血的冤,他要將伸冤報復他的敵人,他要給他的土地,他的人民,除罪染。」
32:44 摩西去把這首歌的一切話都誦讀給人民聽,嫩的兒子約書亞也和他在一起。
32:45 摩西把這一切話向以色列衆人誦讀完了,
32:46 就對他們說:「我今日所鄭重警諭你們的一切話,你們都要放在心上,好吩咐你們的子孫謹慎遵行這律法的一切話。
32:47 因爲這不是一件空洞洞,不值得你們作的事;這簡直是你們的生命;因著這事,你們在過約但河去取得爲業的土地,就可以延年益壽。」
32:48 就在這一天,永恒主就告訴摩西說:
32:49 「你要上這亞巴琳山,尼波山,在耶利哥對面的摩押地,觀看我所賜給以色列人爲業産的迦南地。
32:50 你必死在你所上的山,被收殮歸你先族人,像你哥哥亞倫死在何珥山上,被收殮他先族人一樣。
32:51 因爲你們在尋的曠野,在加低斯米利巴水的事上,在以色列人中間你們對我不忠實,在以色列人中間你們沒有尊我爲聖。
32:52 我所賜給以色列人的地,你可以從對面地方觀看,卻不得進那地。」
15-18 Jeshurun put on weight and bucked;
you got fat, became obese, a tub of lard.
He abandoned the God who made him,
he mocked the Rock of his salvation.
They made him jealous with their foreign newfangled gods,
and with obscenities they vexed him no end.
They sacrificed to no-god demons,
gods they knew nothing about,
The latest in gods, fresh from the market,
gods your ancestors would never call "gods."
You walked out on the Rock who gave you your life,
forgot the birth-God who brought you into the world.
19-25 God saw it and turned on his heel,
angered and hurt by his sons and daughters.
He said, "From now on I'm looking the other way.
Wait and see what happens to them.
Oh, they're a turned-around, upside-down generation!
Who knows what they'll do from one moment to the next?
They've goaded me with their no-gods,
infuriated me with their hot-air gods;
I'm going to goad them with a no-people,
with a hollow nation incense them.
My anger started a fire,
a wildfire burning deep down in Sheol,
Then shooting up and devouring the Earth and its crops,
setting all the mountains, from bottom to top, on fire.
I'll pile catastrophes on them,
I'll shoot my arrows at them:
Starvation, blistering heat, killing disease;
I'll send snarling wild animals to attack from the forest
and venomous creatures to strike from the dust.
Killing in the streets,
terror in the houses,
Young men and virgins alike struck down,
and yes, breast-feeding babies and gray-haired old men."
26-27 I could have said, "I'll hack them to pieces,
wipe out all trace of them from the Earth,"
Except that I feared the enemy would grab the chance
to take credit for all of it,
Crowing, "Look what we did!
God had nothing to do with this."
28-33 They are a nation of ninnies (笨蛋),
they don't know enough to come in out of the rain (避開暴風雨).
If they had any sense at all, they'd know this;
they would see what's coming down the road.
How could one soldier chase a thousand enemies off,
or two men run off two thousand,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
unless God had given them away?
For their rock is nothing compared to our Rock;
even our enemies say that.
They're a vine that comes right out of Sodom,
who they are is rooted in Gomorrah;
Their grapes are poison grapes,
their grape-clusters bitter.
Their wine is rattlesnake venom,
mixed with lethal cobra poison.
34-35 Don't you realize that I have my shelves
well stocked, locked behind iron doors?
I'm in charge of vengeance and payback,
just waiting for them to slip up;
And the day of their doom is just around the corner,
sudden and swift and sure.
36-38 Yes, God will judge his people,
but oh how compassionately he'll do it.
When he sees their weakened plight
and there is no one left, slave or free,
He'll say, "So where are their gods,
the rock in which they sought refuge,
The gods who feasted on the fat of their sacrifices
and drank the wine of their drink-offerings?
Let them show their stuff and help you,
let them give you a hand!
39-42 "Do you see it now? Do you see that I'm the one?
Do you see that there's no other god beside me?
I bring death and I give life, I wound and I heal—
there is no getting away from or around me!
I raise my hand in solemn oath;
I say, 'I'm always around. By that very life I promise:
When I sharpen my lightning sword
and execute judgment,
I take vengeance on my enemies
and pay back those who hate me.
I'll make my arrows drunk with blood,
my sword will gorge itself on flesh,
Feasting on slain and captive alike,
the proud and vain enemy corpses.'"
43 Celebrate, nations, join the praise of his people.
He avenges the deaths of his servants,
Pays back his enemies with vengeance,
and cleanses his land for his people.
you got fat, became obese, a tub of lard.
He abandoned the God who made him,
he mocked the Rock of his salvation.
They made him jealous with their foreign newfangled gods,
and with obscenities they vexed him no end.
They sacrificed to no-god demons,
gods they knew nothing about,
The latest in gods, fresh from the market,
gods your ancestors would never call "gods."
You walked out on the Rock who gave you your life,
forgot the birth-God who brought you into the world.
19-25 God saw it and turned on his heel,
angered and hurt by his sons and daughters.
He said, "From now on I'm looking the other way.
Wait and see what happens to them.
Oh, they're a turned-around, upside-down generation!
Who knows what they'll do from one moment to the next?
They've goaded me with their no-gods,
infuriated me with their hot-air gods;
I'm going to goad them with a no-people,
with a hollow nation incense them.
My anger started a fire,
a wildfire burning deep down in Sheol,
Then shooting up and devouring the Earth and its crops,
setting all the mountains, from bottom to top, on fire.
I'll pile catastrophes on them,
I'll shoot my arrows at them:
Starvation, blistering heat, killing disease;
I'll send snarling wild animals to attack from the forest
and venomous creatures to strike from the dust.
Killing in the streets,
terror in the houses,
Young men and virgins alike struck down,
and yes, breast-feeding babies and gray-haired old men."
26-27 I could have said, "I'll hack them to pieces,
wipe out all trace of them from the Earth,"
Except that I feared the enemy would grab the chance
to take credit for all of it,
Crowing, "Look what we did!
God had nothing to do with this."
28-33 They are a nation of ninnies (笨蛋),
they don't know enough to come in out of the rain (避開暴風雨).
If they had any sense at all, they'd know this;
they would see what's coming down the road.
How could one soldier chase a thousand enemies off,
or two men run off two thousand,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
unless God had given them away?
For their rock is nothing compared to our Rock;
even our enemies say that.
They're a vine that comes right out of Sodom,
who they are is rooted in Gomorrah;
Their grapes are poison grapes,
their grape-clusters bitter.
Their wine is rattlesnake venom,
mixed with lethal cobra poison.
34-35 Don't you realize that I have my shelves
well stocked, locked behind iron doors?
I'm in charge of vengeance and payback,
just waiting for them to slip up;
And the day of their doom is just around the corner,
sudden and swift and sure.
36-38 Yes, God will judge his people,
but oh how compassionately he'll do it.
When he sees their weakened plight
and there is no one left, slave or free,
He'll say, "So where are their gods,
the rock in which they sought refuge,
The gods who feasted on the fat of their sacrifices
and drank the wine of their drink-offerings?
Let them show their stuff and help you,
let them give you a hand!
39-42 "Do you see it now? Do you see that I'm the one?
Do you see that there's no other god beside me?
I bring death and I give life, I wound and I heal—
there is no getting away from or around me!
I raise my hand in solemn oath;
I say, 'I'm always around. By that very life I promise:
When I sharpen my lightning sword
and execute judgment,
I take vengeance on my enemies
and pay back those who hate me.
I'll make my arrows drunk with blood,
my sword will gorge itself on flesh,
Feasting on slain and captive alike,
the proud and vain enemy corpses.'"
43 Celebrate, nations, join the praise of his people.
He avenges the deaths of his servants,
Pays back his enemies with vengeance,
and cleanses his land for his people.
44-47 Moses came and recited all the words of this song in the hearing of the people, he and Joshua son of Nun. When Moses had finished saying all these words to all Israel, he said, "Take to heart all these words to which I give witness today and urgently command your children to put them into practice, every single word of this Revelation. Yes. This is no small matter for you (這對你不是芝麻綠豆的小事); it's your life. In keeping this word you'll have a good and long life in this land that you're crossing the Jordan to possess."
48-50 That same day God spoke to Moses: "Climb the Abarim Mountains to Mount Nebo in the land of Moab, overlooking Jericho, and view the land of Canaan that I'm giving the People of Israel to have and hold. Die on the mountain that you climb and join your people in the ground, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and joined his people.
51-52 "This is because you broke faith with me in the company of the People of Israel at the Waters of Meribah Kadesh in the Wilderness of Zin—you didn't honor my Holy Presence in the company of the People of Israel. You'll look at the land spread out before you but you won't enter it, this land that I am giving to the People of Israel."